
QinetiQ Group plc

QinetiQ is a company of scientists and engineers committed to listening, understanding and responding to our customers’ needs. This enables us to use our depth of experience and our unique science and engineering expertise to equip them with powerful solutions to their most pressing challenges.


Advanced Fuel Systems

Advanced Fuel Systems monolithic fuel safety cell construction is the answer to improved fit and volume optimisation.

We are unique among fuel safety cell manufacturers in that we simultaneously manufacture both the composite material and the finished fuel safety cell. This enables us to mould the shape of the cell to our customers’ exact requirements



3T Additive Manufacturing accelerates the production of additive manufacturing across multiple industrial applications. With over 20 years experience, 3T-am use the most advanced AM systems ensuring uncompromised quality and certification.


AMT Netherlands

AMT Netherlands designs and manufactures small gas turbines for the propulsion of radio-controlled flying aircraft, experimental aircraft development, sound studies and full size gliders. Our turbines are also used in many kinds of research and education projects at universities all over the world.


PCB Piezotronics

PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.


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